Black & White Film Processing
1. Developer
Single Tank = 2oz. Developer + 8oz. Water
Double Tank = 4oz. Developer + 16oz. Water
Agitate:5 Quick Inversions in 5 seconds every 30 seconds
TMAX-100 = 8mn Total
TRI-X-400 = 6mn Total
2. Stop Bath
Dump Developer, Add Water
Agitate Continuously for 30 seconds
3. Fixer
Single Tank = 3oz. Fixer + 9oz. Water
Double Tank = 5oz. Fixer + 15oz. Water
Dump Water, Add Fixer
Agitate Continuously for 1 Minute
Agitate 15 seconds every Minute for a total of 5 Minutes.
4. Wash
Dump Fixer
Wash 2 Minutes with 3 Water Changes
5. Permawash
Dump Wash
Poor Permawash into the development canister until it reaches the base of the funnel.
(Permawash is premixed. No need to use graduate cylinder)
Agitate often for 3 Minutes
6. 2nd Wash
Dump Permawash
Wash 5 Minutes with 5 Water Changes
7. Photo-Flo
Dump Second Wash
Poor Photo-Flo into the development canister until it reaches the base of the funnel.
(Photo-Flo is premixed. No need to use graduate cylinder)
Remove Film from Canister and squeegee gently.
Hang to dry.
Single Tank = 2oz. Developer + 8oz. Water
Double Tank = 4oz. Developer + 16oz. Water
Agitate:5 Quick Inversions in 5 seconds every 30 seconds
TMAX-100 = 8mn Total
TRI-X-400 = 6mn Total
2. Stop Bath
Dump Developer, Add Water
Agitate Continuously for 30 seconds
3. Fixer
Single Tank = 3oz. Fixer + 9oz. Water
Double Tank = 5oz. Fixer + 15oz. Water
Dump Water, Add Fixer
Agitate Continuously for 1 Minute
Agitate 15 seconds every Minute for a total of 5 Minutes.
4. Wash
Dump Fixer
Wash 2 Minutes with 3 Water Changes
5. Permawash
Dump Wash
Poor Permawash into the development canister until it reaches the base of the funnel.
(Permawash is premixed. No need to use graduate cylinder)
Agitate often for 3 Minutes
6. 2nd Wash
Dump Permawash
Wash 5 Minutes with 5 Water Changes
7. Photo-Flo
Dump Second Wash
Poor Photo-Flo into the development canister until it reaches the base of the funnel.
(Photo-Flo is premixed. No need to use graduate cylinder)
Remove Film from Canister and squeegee gently.
Hang to dry.